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Steps for Making a Binder Portfolio – Part 2 of 3


CD Mohatta

Your second step in making a binder portfolio is to assemble what you have at present to include. Also, make a list of other items you would like to have in your portfolio. Usually 12 – 24 items makes a good portfolio, and if you have twelve items now that is enough for a start. You may need or want to make arts or crafts to show what things you can do.

For some artists, their work is very large or involved, such as painting murals or harpsichords. It may not be practical to have a dozen projects like this completed to show in a portfolio before you begin your business. In this case draw good sketches of designs you could do, preferably in color.

Give yourself a deadline of when you will complete your portfolio, and if you must complete new items for it schedule your projects so that you do not delay. You should be able to complete at least one item a week. Every day without a completed portfolio you run the risk of losing business and income. Plan to complete your portfolio in one month’s time or less.

Your third step in most cases is to work out a system for photographing your arts or crafts. This is particularly true if your art or craft is 3-dimensional or large. Either film or digital cameras will work for a binder portfolio, but you will definitely need to get prints. A tripod will definitely help you to take better photos.

You also need to consider the background to your photographs and the lighting. For 2-dimensional work this usually means a clean white wall and some way of hanging your work. For 3-dimensional work this usually means a table with white paper or a white sheet draped from above on the wall behind the object and over the table in a C curve, so that no distracting edges appear in the photo. Choose a particular place in your home where you can get good results and photograph your work easily as you make it, without a lot of hassle to set it up.

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Steps for Making a Binder Portfolio – Part 2 of 3

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