Artists and Depression
Megan Webber
Health concerns are a major issue for all of us, whether it’s fitness, weight control or specific health issues. I am an artist. Since my mid teens I have also suffered from Depression. I however didn’t come to terms with this until my mid 30’s. Initially on consultation with my GP I began a six-month course of antidepressant medication.
What I found with this kind of medication was that as an artist it was not the direction I needed. Yes, it blocked my emotional responses to certain situations, but this was more a dilemma then help. To me as an artist if you can’t feel you can’t express yourself.
So at the end of the day I decided to stop the medication and live with my condition accepting that I would have my up and down days. This can be difficult when dealing with family or your partner. At times is can be difficult to gain understanding about these issues with people you love. Yes you are fatigued much of the time and others unable to get outside and experience life. Many aspects of life become difficult.
When I met my current partner I was introduced to the products of Herbalife. As a trained Kinesiologist she also was able to fast track some core issues that had impacted on my condition.
I’ve been that sort of person who likes to almost stick my head in the sand when it comes to some health issues. Also hold a certain scepticism, which means that I need to consider all aspects of anything before I commit.
First of all I became aware that even in my mid 30’s I was peri menopausal. In fact probably for many years. Something that can also has an impact on emotional levels as well as physical.
I have now started a course of herbal treatments, which unlike traditional medicines deal with a holistic approach. I strongly believe gentler on mind and body, but truly effective on assisting me with my conditions.
I now take Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, which balances my nutrition on a daily basis, Formula 2 that is a vitamin B complex, Formula 3 Vitamin C and Tang Kuei the key ingredient, which stabilise hormonal changes.
The key ingredient of Tang Kuei, which has been taken by men and women for centuries in China, is Angelica polymorph and Chamomile. These ingredients are used after strenuous physical exertion, relief of muscle tension and for relaxation.
This has been a fantastic break through for me with depression and pre menopausal conditions. Tang Kuei is extremely important for a range of health problems not just depression. From Chronic fatigue syndrome, menopause, arthritis, Asthma, Skin conditions, Weight Loss and more there are many products to help you. These products are much less invasive then many prescribed treatments and will balance your system physically and mentally.
As like some of you I don’t necessarily like to talk about my conditions, but these nutrition products make a huge difference to my quality of life.
Please email me with comments or questions on DM or email me on the form below to see whether we can help you out or, other loved ones with any of their health concerns.
If you can think of anyone who you think can benefit from any of the listed information please feel free to forward this article to them.
About the Author:
Artist and Health Consultant representative.
Working as an artist for over 20 years. Have a love of the environment and politics, which don’t always go hand to hand.
Lateral thinker who likes a challenge.
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Artists and Depression