Artist Statement

Balancing Art, Work and Life!

About Glen Cram


I was born in London UK in 1952, and was immigrated to Canada when I was 8
years old. I grew up in Montreal during the 60s and 70s, and got my Bachelor’s
in anthropology, linguistics and education at McGill University. I travelled
extensively in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. I then went teaching Indian
students in northern Quebec, where I met my wife Roma. We moved to Toronto, and
had Sarah and Matthew. I designed websites for Reuters, the Globe and Mail and
GM, and various financial organisations. Although I still dabbled in art, I had
all but forgotten my dream of actually doing what I wanted for a living. Then I
discovered the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, which showed me that I could in
fact be both an artist and a success. I took courses in painting and sculpture,
learning the classical techniques and applying them to my own interests and
talents, until I felt confident enough to offer my services on a commission
basis. I now run an Artist’s Way Meetup group, where I try to offer people in my
situation the belief in themselves to follow their artistic heart and become who
they really know themselves to be.

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